Trout Fishing photo

We’ve all heard about competitions for distance fly casting and accuracy shoot-outs, but have any of you ever heard of a shadow casting competition? Yes–shadow casting. The faux cast made famous by Brad Pitt in A River Runs Through It. The Shadow Cast was supposed to imitate an entire hatch of rising insects at once. Right.

The gents over at Jazz and Fly Fishing–never a group to take themselves very seriously–have come up with a shadow casting competition complete with video entries and judging by Jason Borger. Jason was Brad Pitt’s casting double in the movie. It says that the competition ended October 1st, but it seems as if they are still taking entries. If you want a solid laugh wander on over to the competition page and view a couple of the videos. Good luck and let us know if any Flytalk folks enter a winning Shadow Cast. We’d love to see it.