Alex Gyllstrom, Contributing Writer at Field & Stream
Contributing Writer

Alex Gyllstrom

Alex Gyllstrom

For over a decade, writing, photographing and filming all things deer and deer habitat continues to be an ongoing education, passion and how Alex puts food on the table.


  • DIY hunting with a focus on whitetails

  • NDA Deer Steward 1&2


I’m incredibly blessed to have discovered my passions early in life and even more blessed to have been fortunate enough to pursue them to make a living. I graduated from Albion College, a small school in south central Michigan, with a double major in business communications and journalism. Throughout school, my focus was on prioritizing family, friends and creating media to communicate a deep passion for the outdoors. I guess you could say not much has changed.


I don’t consider myself to be an “expert.” Unless you’ve been chasing these critters for a half-century or more, I’m not sure how a guy or gal could claim the title. It seems whitetails have an incredible knack for humbling us just when we think we’ve got it figured out. But, when it comes to learning new ground, piecing together details to see the bigger picture, heading out of state on a trip and finding ways to have incredible experiences without shelling out big money to do it, I put in the time. Well, I’ve made enough mistakes and been able to fill enough tags to have something to say about it anyway.

Staying mobile, understanding signs and constantly working to answer the question, why? became an obsession long ago that I hope never ends. Spending far more time scouting than hunting, learning habitat, terrain and finding where deer are is how I approach whitetails. A blend of old-fashioned woodsmanship and new technology helps shape my understanding of the woods. In addition to writing and content creation, I’ve spent seven years in product development and marketing for manufacturers in the hunting industry. To say I have a passion for developing high-quality gear that solves problems and helps hunters enjoy their time in the outdoors more would be putting it mildly. If I can provide a piece of insight, add a different approach or tactic to your quiver of strategies, that’s success for me.

F&S Lightning Round

Favorite Place Hunt: A thick, nasty piece of overlooked public land or permission access propertyFavorite Critter to Hunt: Whitetail deerBucket List Adventure: An archery bull moose hunt in the Yukon or AlaskaBest Piece of Outdoor Advice: Success is measured not by filled tags, but by the experiences, memories and knowledge gained along the way.Favorite Piece of Gear: Mapping appsFavorite Hunting Book: The Old Man and The Boy

Notable Work

Articles by Alex Gyllstrom