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Remembering John: Stories From Those Who Knew Him Best


Anyone who ever spent any time with John Merwin–whether during a long day on the water or an hour at the bar–has a story about the encounter. He left a memorable impression simply by being himself. His kindness, dry humor, sharp wit, and ability to be a great mentor touched all of us at Field & Stream, as well as countless contributors and friends in the fishing industry. That’s why we asked some of those who knew him best to pen their favorite Merwin memory. Perhaps nothing will tell you more about John than these short stories. — Joe Cermele


Our Favorite Works by John Merwin](/articles/fishing/2013/03/john-merwin-best-field-stream-stories)

The hundreds of stories written by John Merwin, Field & Stream‘s recently passed fishing editor, weren’t enjoyed solely by Field & Stream readers. Editors and contributors delighted in them too. John’s writing not only inspired us to fish smart and well, it also served as a constant reminder that outdoor journalism is a serious endeavor. From a simple story on why you should fish without a strike indicator, to a whimsical essay on the ideal trout brook, to a three-part detailed report that drilled down into exactly how sportsmen’s money affects the U.S. economy, John could do it all–and do it breathtakingly well.

Here are favorite features, columns, and works by our late angling great, as chosen by Field & Stream editors and contributors. –Mike Toth