reader survey, women, hunting, fishing,
Television personality Eva Shockey.. Courtesy

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We surveyed over 900 women to find out what they think about the state of their sports.

1. Do you feel that women are naturally better at a certain aspect of hunting than men? If so, what?

Top answer: Yes, patience

“No. Your level of success is a reflection of the work you put in.”—Angi Ignarski

“Sure. Just like men are better at certain aspects of hunting and/or fishing than women.”—Jamie Swenson

2. Have you ever mentored another woman in the outdoors?

Yes: 74%

No: 26%

3. How long have you been hunting and/or fishing?

4. Most outdoorsmen are:

Alamy/Life On White

Very helpful and welcoming: 67%

Innocently patronizing: 24%

A mix: 4%

Pigs: 3%

Other: 3%

5. What prominent female outdoorswoman do you admire most? Top answers:

Eva Shockey: 180 votes

Tiffany Lakosky: 47

Melissa Bachman: 25

Jana Waller: 25

6. Have you ever been left behind because your male hunting -partner wanted to hunt with just the guys?

“Yep, and I’ve left him behind when I want to hunt with just the girls.”—Hannah

“Yes, so I went alone and was the only one who shot a deer that night.”—Robbie Kaitlyn Harris Cleanthes

“No. My husband doesn’t hunt. I leave him home.”—Lisa

“Yes. He’s my ex now.”—Letitia Wilson

7. What ****was**** your primary reason for getting into hunting and/or fishing?

8. Rate yourself as an ****outdoorsperson****.

Proficient: 70%

Expert: 18%

Novice: 12%

9. What irks you most about other female hunters and/or anglers?


“The makeup they pile on before they go out.”—Genia Bloom

“The girls who only hunt or fish to get attention from guys.”—Shasta Sitton

“Many won’t go without their boyfriend or husband. We’ve got this, ladies!”—Christina Brogdon

“The ones who have their boyfriend or husband do all of the work for them.”—Allison Parcels

10. What irks you most about male hunters and/or anglers?

Alamy/Photos 12

“Not taking their daughters hunting.”—Sue Entsminger

“Hitting on any female that hunts.” —Rachel Voss

“Turning camp into a drinking party.” —Rachel Hulett

“Saying we ‘ruin their fun’ simply by being there.”—Tracey Mendenhall Porreca

11. Women’s outdoor gear and outdoor clothing…

Is getting better: 50%

Is woefully lacking: 24%

Never fits right: 18%

Is great: 5%

Is unnecessary: 3%

12. What’s the most surprising ****re-action**** you’ve ever gotten from someone upon learning that you hunt and/or fish?

Alamy/Keith Leighton

“‘Will you marry me?’”—Cassidy Lozier

“My girly girlfriend’s daughter demanded that I take her with me.” —Lara Smith

“They always ask, ‘With a gun and everything?’”—Jenifer Estrada

“Asking if I hunt when I’m obviously on a hunt…with them!”—Karen Lee

13. Are you competitive with your significant other come hunting season?

“Not when we’re hunting. Then, we are a team. Fishing is a different story.”—Kristine

“Of course. We got married on a big-buck bet. He doesn’t bet me anymore!”—Peggy Navarrete

14. Finish this sentence: I prefer to hunt and/or fish…

15. What has been your biggest buck or best fish so far?

Shannon Rasmussen, 2174⁄8 (net) B&C muley
Whitney Inmon, 30-inch cutthroat
Teri Lancaster, 10-pound largemouth bass
Sheena Hunt, 150-inch public-land whitetail

16. How many guns do you own?

17. Who introduced you to the outdoors?

Top answer, by far: My dad

Coolest answer: My daughter

Honorable mentions: “My husband and my dog.”—Cynthia Trowbridge

“I made my father take me.”—Valerie Baxter

“A Tennessee BOW workshop.”—Sharon Petro

18. What would you say to someone who claims the outdoors is a man’s world?

“Don’t be scared of a little competition!”—Linet Navarro

“You must be single.”—Sheena

“You’ve never seen me shoot.”—Jessica Worley

“You must be jealous of my monster 8-point.”—Christina Brogdon

19. When a guy meets you in the field or on the water, his reaction should be:

“Hi.”: 44%

“Wow, it’s great that you hunt (or fish)!”: 44%

“Is there anything I can help you with?”: 6%

“What are you doing later?”: 3%

Other: 3%

20. What do you think of the color pink on outdoor equipment?

Range of answers: Misogynistic, bogus, -patronizing, barf, blech, hate it, meh, whatever, indifferent, cute, love it, fabulous

“Stupid. We’re not hunting flamingos.”—Melissa LaFace

21. Do you own any pink hunting equipment?

No: 65%

Yes: 35%

“Nope. I want purple.”—Amanda Berglund

“Yes, but only because it was all that was available in my size.”—Tracey Mendenhall Porreca

“Yes. My .300 Win. Mag. is wrapped in pink camo.”—Andrea Radford

22. What has been your biggest -challenge as an outdoorswoman?

Top answer: Finding gear and clothing that fits

“Same as men: finding the best hunting spots.”—Angela

“Finding ways to take my children along or get childcare.”—Leslie Crawford

23. What’s the biggest challenge to being the only female in camp or on a hunting trip?


Top answer: Going to the bathroom

“The men automatically thinking that I’m going to cook and clean the whole trip.”—Susan Porath

“Getting the guys to take my suggestions seriously and as viable options for planning a hunt.”—Candice Long

“Doesn’t happen. I have my own female hunting crew!”—Jessica Peña

“Forgetting my earplugs in a bunkhouse of snoring men.”—Susan L. Ebert

24. Are outdoorswomen stereotyped by the media?

A little: 45%

Are you kidding? Of course: 40%

Not at all: 15%

“It’s camo Barbie or -nothing.”—Teala Schaff

“I answered a little, but frankly the media doesn’t really cover outdoorswomen.”—Sabrina Haverfield

_Be sure to read “The New Game Changers” for more on outdoorswomen who are making waves in hunting and fishing. _