U.S. Fish and Wildlife: Montana Grizzly Season May Open Next Year

Grizzly hunting in Montana could be a reality as soon as next year, says a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service report.

The process to remove grizzlies from the list of federally protected animals could begin as soon as next year. Grizzly bears have been listed as “threatened” since 1975.

The new plan could allow for regulated grizzly bear hunting in designated areas within a 110,636 square-mile section of Montana, including Glacier National Park, the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex and the Rocky Mountain Front.

The current grizzly population int he state is greater than 1,000. Every year, it increases by more than 3 percent. The hunting model would aim to maintain a diverse grizzly bear population with at least 800 bears, the plan says.

Read more from Great Falls Tribune here.