Deeter: Fly Trade Show Laden with Solid Products

The International Fly Tackle Dealer (IFTD) show just wrapped up in Denver, and I have to say I think the new product picture is looking pretty good. Sure, there was the usual array of new rods, reels, lines, and flies, but I was also impressed with the array of functional items to be introduced in coming months.

Take, for example, this smart idea that’s certain to be a “Shoe- In” (that’s what they’re called) success from Orvis. Worried about wearing boots with cleats in a drift boat or raft? Simply slip these massive rubber flip-flops over your boots, and you’re good to go. Who knows, you might even be able to sneak back in the house for that box of flies you forgot, without tracking in too much mud. Look for them next year… I’m sure they’ll be staples in guide boats around the country.

For anyone interested in the inside scoop on the IFTD show, and where the industry is headed (the show will be in New Orleans next August) feel free to check out the commentary we just posted at There are still challenges facing this show and this industry, but I think we’re on a better track than we have been in recent years. And that’s good news for fly fishers.

Many more product reviews will be coming your way via Fly Talk in the near future.
