Big Game Hunting photo


From The New York Daily News:

“I wrote to him to protest about fox hunting and I figured he would be this stuffy, privileged a–hole,” Pink told Q magazine_. “But he’s like a redneck from the South.”

_And the “So What” singer thinks Prince William, who attended the U.K.’s best schools, could use a better education.

_”If you’re brought up shooting and hunting animals, if you really think it’s second nature and you’re blasting away, then it’s hard to see the other point of view,” she told the magazine. “You need educating.”

_I think PETA-member Pink is saying hunters are. . . something bad. . . and that we all need. . . another thing we aparently lack. But I’m not sure. I was brought up shooting and hunting and with all that blasting away, it’s hard for me to see the other point of view. I’m sure her argument would be well-reasoned and lucid, but I can’t say, given the sorry state of my education.

Maybe one of you can explain, although I doubt it. Most of you were brought up shooting and hunting, too.