Video: Best Dog-Themed Super Bowl Commercials of All Time

I have to admit, I’m a Jets fan, but last night’s Super Bowl was one of the finest I’ve seen. Pritchard didn’t get too excited about the game, but she did raise her head from a deep slumber when the Doritos bark collar commercial aired. She didn’t get the joke–she just liked the barking–but I got a laugh out of it. If you didn’t get a chance to see it, check it out below.

But the Doritos ad still it doesn’t compare with my favorite dog-themed Super Bowl commercial of all time. That would be the Budweiser commercial from 2008. That ad had a few of my favorite things involved–mainly dogs, beer, and the theme from Rocky (with horses thrown in, too). You can watch it below.

Oh, yes, I didn’t mind this year’s ad with Danica Patrick, either. Happy Monday.