Buck Scoring Contest, Round III

_by Dave Hurteau

_ And now, the third buck in our scoring contest. On the frosty dawn of November 5th in southeastern Minnesota while hunting with friends Scott Bestul and Mark Stimets, I heard crackling hoofsteps in the crystalline leaf litter behind me. This fine buck in the photo below was trotting right to my bow stand. Reflecting, however, on the many, many Midwestern giants on my wall already, I lowered my bow and I coolly shooed the buck in the direction of Mark’s stand. And like all mature whitetails, it did exactly what I expected it to. Mark arrowed it at 20 paces. For whatever reason, he has forgotten to thank me. In any case, Mark’s buck is buck #3 in our contest, and your job is to score it. To recap: You are playing for a new Rinehart RhinoBlock archery target. To win, you must guess the gross B&C score of each of the four bucks I post here (click here for buck #1 and here for buck #2) and keep track of your guesses. Fractionals will count. When I post the final buck next week, I’ll ask you for your grand total. Whoever is closest wins the target. If there’s a tie, we will have a tiebreaker buck. Okay. Have at it. And have a Happy New Year! {“type”:”media”,”view_
