Whitetail Hunting photo

“I’m shaking all over again,” said Wautoma bow hunter Brian Inda after the Wisconsin Buck & Bear club certified the 12-point typical buck he shot on a Wild Rose tree farm November 2nd as the new Wisconsin state archery record.

A four-judge panel measured the 5 x 7 in January, and the final score of 187 5/8 topped the old record–a 16-pointer taken in 2006 by Barry Rose, a former wide receiver for the Buffalo Bills–by just 3/8 of an inch.

The rack boasted four tines over 12 inches, with the longest (the left G-2) stretching 14 7/8. The main beams measured 27 inches on the left and 26 3/8 on the right, with an inside spread of 22 inches. The rack’s typical gross was 197 5/8. Those scores are pretty close to the green scores (198 2/8 gross, 188 2/8 net) Field & Stream reported when we brought you the story back in November.

Inda and his hunting partner Craig Carpenter focused on this buck exclusively after a chance encounter gained them a hunting lease on property adjacent to land where they’d found the big buck’s sheds the previous year. Inda spotted the buck at 60 yards after making a series of grunt calls during an evening hunt, then watched the buck thrash a mock scrape at 30 yards and kept his cool when the walking record stopped broadside at 12 paces.

Congratulations, Brian, on a record well earned.

Click here to see the full story of Inda’s hunt.