Whitetail Hunting photo

I don’t know if it was the photo itself or the chance at a great new trail camera, but you guys didn’t disappoint; reading (and re-reading) the many fantastic entries had me laughing out loud. But Hurteau and I did our duty and picked our Top Ten runners-up. Here they are, in no particular order.

“And down the back strap they come!”-Michael Jager

“This picture is obviously photo-shopped… Look how tall the weeds are in the back ground!!”-Pray-hunt-work

“Occasionally you run into something truly amazing…can you believe this deer is only two?”-bruisedsausage

“National Thoroughbred Racing Association grows suspicious of illegal deer antler spray usage.”-Callen

“Jed was dominating the annual Tennessee High-Stepping Deer Competition until his buck spotted a potential mate in the trees and abruptly left the track.”-grantorrin

“The smart money’s on the 12 point in the next stall.”-FOX

“You know, this is the first time my ride’s been shot BEFORE he broke his leg.”-Kodiak0237

“Meanwhile, in Canada…”-FlyBorchetti

“He’s ten points ahead and gaining!!!”-Red Angus

“This new green scoring method, SUUUUUCKS!”-Moswald

And the winner of the trail camera is Tres33, who wrote:
“Traces of IGF-1 found in Derby winner’s failed drug test.”

Congrats Tres33, we’ll be contacting you soon so Cabela’s can get a trail camera heading your way.