Dove Hunting photo

I’m not much of chef. My wife, Jenny, on the other hand, is superb. But the other day I stumbled upon a dove recipe that blew away every other one I had tried. And since we’re still deep in dove season, I figured we could take a break from straight dog talk and get down to eating.

As mentioned, I have had dove grilled, fried, baked with sour cream and white wine, and so on, but when I heard about Jalapeno Dove Poppers I had to try them. I love the recipe because it’s easy (which means a lot to an inept chef like myself), quick, and has some kick to it. It also requires nothing more than some dove breasts, jalapenos, cream cheese, and bacon. (Really, do better ingredients exist?)

I’m sure some of you more experienced chefs have your own take on this recipe (I’ve seen a few different versions) or maybe you have a better one. Share them with the crowd. Nothing better then enjoying the fruits of pup’s (and our) labor.



De-boned dove breasts

1 can jalapeno peppers

1 tub cream cheese



1. Pre-heat grill

dove popper plate

2. Rinse and dry dove breasts.

3. Slice jalapenos in half lengthwise. (Remove seeds and veins if you prefer less heat.)

4. Slather cream cheese in the open cavity of each jalapeno. Top with a dove breast, wrap in half a piece of bacon, and secure with a toothpick. Repeat will all breasts.

5. Grill poppers over medium-high heat for 15-20 minutes or until bacon is crisp, turning once. Salt and pepper to taste.