photo of mourning doves

Weight range of adult whitetail bucks: 50-511 lb.

Average weight of a 3 1/2-year-old Nebraska whitetail buck: 217 lb.

Average weight of the blood and entrails of a 217-lb. buck: 42 lb.

Average weight of same buck’s bones: 22 lb.

Average weight of same buck’s skin: 20 lb.

Average weight of same buck’s fat: 33 lb.

Average weight of heart, liver, and lungs: 15 lb.

Average weight of remaining lean meat: 85 lb.

Handy formula for approximate deer meat yield: Live weight x .40

Meat yield of an average-size gray squirrel: About 1/2 lb.

Number of gray squirrels needed to equal the meat yield of a 217-lb. buck: About 170